Icon | Name | Description |
Aim True | Attacks won't miss. Abilities like evade or flight or phase won't give any advantage. Similarly de-buff like Blind will be rendered useless. | |
Armored Up | Monsters get +2 added to their armor stat. | |
Back to Basics | Monsters lose their own abilities. Summoner effects such as those that give abilities to monsters still take effect. | |
Broken Arrows | No monsters with ranged will be available to choose from. | |
Close Range | Range units can attack from position 1. Ranged monsters are the new Melee monsters. | |
Earthquake | Monsters without flight ability will be hit with 2 melee damage after every round ends. Snared monsters will take 2 melee damage from earthquake per turn too. | |
Equaliser | The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health. | |
Equal Opportunity | All monsters will attack from any position (range monsters cannot attack from position 1) and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health. | |
Even Stevens | Only even mana cards can be used. Your options to choose cards will be halved. You'll be forced to use cards that you really don't use much. But same goes for your oppoent. | |
Explosive Weaponry | All monsters get the Blast Ability which does additional damage to Monsters adjacent to the target Monster. Additional damage is equivalent to main damage/2 rounded up. | |
Fog of War | Snipe and sneak abilities are gone. | |
Healed Out | No type of healing is allowed in the battle. So, abilities like Tank Heal, Triage, Heal are rendered useless. This de-buff cannot be removed by using Cleanse. Summoners Like Byzantine Kitty, Scarred Llama and Chanseus The Great cannot perform Heal and Cleanse either. | |
Heavy Hitters | All monsters do double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned. | |
Holy Protection | All monsters get the Divine Shield ability. The first time the Monster takes damage from a monster it is ignored. It works in Earthquake but NOT Noxious Fumes. | |
Keep Your Distance | Monsters with Melee attack type can't be used. | |
Little League | You can only use Monsters and Summoners with 4 or less mana. | |
Lost Legendaries | Legendary Monsters can't be used. Legendary Summoners are still available though. | |
Lost Magic | Magical Monsters can't be used. Your armor will play a very important role here. Get summoner which provides armor. (Drake of Arnak, The Peakrider, Chanseus the Great, Tyrus Paladium, Lir Deepswimmer). Or maybe one that takes armor away from your opponent. (Wizard of Eastwood) And, if possible use a monster that can penetrate. | |
Melee Mayhem | Melee attack from anywhere. We recommend using your strongest melee attackers with abilities like blast, opportunity, retaliate and inspire. You could also select a summoner that will lower your opponents melee power, Zintar Mortaus or Camila Sungazer. | |
Noxious Fumes | All monsters start the game poisoned and will take 2 damage each turn unless cleansed. Big HP and cleanse are going to be your best bet here. However there may be some cases where you ignore and go for a big offensive attack and wipe out your opponent before the poison becomes a factor. | |
Odd Ones Out | Only odd mana cards can be used. Your options to choose cards will be halved. You'll be forced to use cards that you really don't use much. Don't force a build just to win a daily quest. Dragons can be a gamechanger here. | |
Reverse Speed | Slower monsters attack first. Try to pick monsters with speeds of 1. Speed effects how soon your monster will attack in battle and how effective it is at evading attacks. So a monster with a speed of 1 would normally attack last now will attack first. A speed of 1 will also have the best chance of dodging if paired with evade and flying as well. | |
Rise of the Commons | Only Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles. Make a well balanced team. Tank > Magic > Ranged Find you a nice tank with heal to lead your lineup. Try to focus your attack on a specific part of there team. Spreading out your attack thinly over their team is not a good idea. | |
Silenced Summoners | Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities. | |
Spreading Fury | All Monsters get the Enrage ability. Has increased Melee attack and Speed when damaged. Values are multiplied by 1.5 and rounded up. | |
Stampede | The Trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trampled Monster is killed. | |
Standard | No modification to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics. | |
Super Sneak | All monsters have the Sneak ability. Targets the last Monster on the enemy Team instead of the first Monster. | |
Taking Sides | Neutral Monsters may not be used in battles. | |
Target Practice | All Ranged and Magic attack Monsters have the Snipe ability. | |
Unprotected | Monsters do not have any armor and do not get armor from Abilities or Summoner Buffs. | |
Up Close and Personal | Only Monsters with Melee attack may be used in battles. | |
Weak Magic | Magic attacks hit Armor before reducing Health. |
All items (33)